Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Alexander Craig of Rose-Craig 1604-1631
Sonnet Aethon

Fane wold I sing, if songs my thoughtd culd ease,
Or calme the tempest of my troubled mynde:
Fane wold J force my silent Muse to please,
The gallant humor of thy wanton vane:
But O a miser mancipat to paine,
Sould slaue to sorrow, wedded to mischief,
By mirth of songs, perhaps more greefe might gane,
Jn vane of them J should expect releif:
Then sacred Craig if thou wold ease my greef,
Jnvite me not to wantonize with thee:
But tune thy notes vnto my mourning cleif,
And when J weepe, weepe thou to Echo mee.
      Perhaps the tears that from a Craig shall floe,
      May proue a Soveraigne balme to cure my woe.


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